The Posix Systems Secondary DNS Help System

Registering Masters and TSIG support

Nameservers that you use as Masters need to be registered before they can be used. This allows for a Drop-Down list to be used from the main page as well as providing other sanity controls.
This System also allows for the provision of TSIG (Transaction Signatures) support. TSIG is a mechanism to help guarantee that what you publish from your primary/master nameserver is the same as what the secondary/slave publishes. TSIG uses a symmetric algorithm (the same key on both sides) therefore only works when there is a trust relationship between the communicating parties.

It is mandatory for the TSIG protocol to support HMAC-MD5. This is no longer considered safe enough. The algorithms that can be used are the 160 bit HMAC-SHA1, 224 bit HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256 (preferred), HMAC-SHA384 or HMAC-SHA512. These newer algorithms are stronger than HMAC-MD5 but may not be present in all versions of DNS software.
The following examples assume the use of the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.

How to create

  • Register your Primary Nameserver and set the Algorithm to HMAC-SHA256 (or other)
  • In the Keypair field - add a key. The name is arbitrary but should be a legal domain name. It is suggested that a name identifies the trust pair of nameservers ie - if your nameserver is called and the trust is with - call it something like Adding some "valid until" info is not a bad idea either - eg
  • If you leave the Secret field blank - on clicking the ['submit'] or [add now] box, the System will generate a secret key, or you can generate your own key and paste it in key yourself
  • to create your own key, run the tool tsig-keygen with the complete command:
    tsig-keygen -a HMAC-SHA256
    - this will generate the information to go into your named.conf file.

How to use

In your Nameserver Configuration file /etc/named.conf (or /etc/bind/named.conf), change your options so you can only transfer using a key (explicitly don't allow Xfers from and 2001:42a0::81) and add the keys and servers after the options section. This will force transfers to use Signed Transfers only. Your "allow-transfer" should obviously still include any previously existing "allows", their order is importaint - as in firewall rules.
options {
    directory "/etc/bind";   // Where I keep my DNS stuff.

    allow-transfer {
	key;  // Explicitly allow TSIG XFers
	!;              // ..and deny "non TSIG" from my slave
	!2001:42a0::81;        // ..might not need this line - IPv6 Address;             // Others that I allow Xfer from.

key {        // My Trusted Slave's key
    algorithm hmac-sha256;
    secret "YourSecretProgramGeneratedKey=";  // tsig-keygen generated key

server {              // My TSIG slave
    keys {; };

server 2001:42a0::81 {              // runs IPv6 as well
    keys {; };
Of course - use your own secret and key names.
The Nameserver has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from which it may request a transfer - so there needs to be a trused relationship from both of the addresses - hence all IP's need to be mentioned. If you don't use IPv6 - you may leave that address out.

If the secondary is one other than (ie then use that nameservers IP addresses. That would look like....

options {
    directory "/etc/bind";   // Where I keep my DNS stuff.

    allow-transfer {
        key;  // Explicitly allow TSIG XFers
        !;                // ..and deny non TSIG from trusted Slave

key {        // My Trusted Slave's key
    algorithm hmac-sha256;
    secret "YourSecretProgramGeneratedKey=";  // tsig-keygen generated key

server {
    keys {; };
You can - of course - combine both of the above entries together - if you use both secondaries.

Before installing TSIG - please make sure you have your computer time Synced with a timeserver using SNTP/NTP (or similar), computers that are adrift by more than 5 minutes will not work. TSIG always uses GMT (or ZULU) time - and takes different zimezones into consideration.

The admin system will show you the Server time (which is GMT+2) as well as your time. If your time is more than 5 seconds different - you will be informed. If this is the case - it really is a good idea to check that your time is syncoronised and that the syncronisation is working correctly. Take into account that you may be on a different Time Zone.

After 12 months (or what you decide), the key will show with a red background. Its probably a good idea to update your keys on a regular basis.