Secondary Domain Name Services at Posix Systems - SIGNUP - Johannesburg

Full Name:
VAT No.:
Co. Reg. No.:
Cell Phone:
Your IP Address:
Verification Code:
Case insensitive

...some help regarding the above form
UsernameThis will be your login name to identify you
PasswordThis will validate your login name. Careful (at this point) your password will be visible

We only supply Secondary Domain Name Services via this interface. You need to fill in all fields. Any field in Red needs attention. For further assistance - call the Posix Help Desk - Office hours - on 012 807 0590. Once you have filled in the application and the application has been approved by the Posix Help Desk, you can 'login' to the System and add your Name Server Records.

There are 4 available secondaries (or Slaves).

  1. on in Johannesburg, ZA at a cost of R3.00 per domain per month.
  2. on in Johannesburg, ZA at a cost of R3.00 per domain per month.
  3. on in Johannesburg, ZA at a cost of R3.00 per domain per month.
  4. on in Cape Town, ZA at a cost of R3.00 per domain per month.
As soon as we have checked your information - the system will become "live". You will be invoiced once a month. A lack of payment will make this system in-operatable. We can also take payment automatically via Debit Order.

You can subscribe to a full DNS Management system via our VWEB System.

By using Posix Systems to administer your secondary domains, you know that the job is being done (because you're doing it yourself!).

The system also offers Transaction Signing (TSIG) support. This helps guarantee
that information on the Secondary/Slave nameserver is a true copy of what is on the
Primary/Master server. You can read more about TSIG here.

signup.php: Last modified: Friday, 9th May, 2014 @ 12:22 +02:00 - php 7.4.33 - control - php 7.4.33